Sustainability at Zurich
At Zurich, we believe in action and making a positive impact through our role as insurer, investor, employer and member of the community. We have the knowledge, skills, capabilities and spirit to make a difference through our local* and global sustainability commitments.
This approach has seen Zurich Group receive the highest-possible ESG rating from MSCI, receiving a AAA rating in 2023.
In June 2019, Zurich became the first insurance company to sign the Business Ambition 1.5˚C Pledge. As part of Zurich’s Pledge, and ambition to be one of the most responsible and impactful businesses in the world, we have set sustainability actions and targets in three core areas: Our operations, our investments and our products.
* You can read about our local sustainability commitments in the ‘drop-down’ headings below.Knowledge hub & downloads